2023 Casino Fundraiser
Please join us on Thursday August 31st and Friday Sept 1st for our casino fundraiser! This event is usually held once every 18-24 months and is...
Free Baby Clothing & Gear swap
Join us on Saturday September 16th 2023 from 10am to 3pm for our free Baby Clothing & Gear Swap, thanks in part with generous funding from the TD Parks People Grant. Who: This event is open to everyone, with clothing and gear primarily being for infants and...
Free Kids Clothing Swap
Join us on Saturday August 12th 2023 from 10am to 3pm for our free Kids Clothing Swap, thanks in part with generous funding from the TD Parks People Grant. Who: This event is open to everyone, with clothing primarily being for school-aged children. What: An...
2023 Community Cleanup
The 2023 Community Clean-Up cleanup has been canceled due to a lack of volunteers. We apologize for any inconvenience. We hope to host a smaller clean-up event in the fall (if we can find volunteers to help plan the event) so please watch our facebook.
Parade of Garage Sales
Ranchlands Parade of Garage Sales & Trunk Sale Registration has now closed for the 2023 Parade of Garage Sales. Swing by the hall on saturday from 9:00am to 3pm to to pick up a paper map or click here to access an electronic version. Date: Saturday, June 3, 2023...
Bike Fest
Grab your helmet & bike and join us on Saturday, May 13th from 10am to 2pm for Bike Fest, hosted in partnership with the Kiwanis Calgary Chinook Club. We will have an array of activities, including: free spring bike safety checks on kid's bikes clinic to learn how...
2023 Spring Craft Market
Spring Craft Market Saturday, May 6, 2023 10:00 - 3:00 Just in time for Mother's Day, the Spring Craft Market will be a fantastic opportunity to pick up a gift for your mom, grandma, spouse, guardian, friends or even something special for yourself! Featuring some...
2022 Annual General Meeting
Join us on Sunday November 6th at 4pm for the Annual General Meeting of the Ranchlands Community Association. This meeting is incredibly important to our continued operations and success in supporting our community. We will review our previous years accomplishments...
Board info Coffee & Chat
As we approach our Annual General Meeting and Board Election, we are looking for new people to join the Ranchlands Board of Directors! The Ranchlands board of directors is made up of 7 volunteers who serve for a one year term. These amazing volunteers are the voice of...
Edible Forest Planting Day
Grab your wheelbarrows and shovels and come be a part of a historic day for the RCA! On Saturday Sept 17th 2022 at 10am, we will be breaking ground on the Ranchlands Edible Forest by planting 12 fruit trees on the south side of the basketball court. Made possible by...