
Donating to the RCA helps us plan and host community events, facilitate our weekly programs like Community Coffee, and run supportive programs such as the Ranchlands Food Pantry.

How can you help:

  • Donation of non-perishable food items for the Ranchlands Food Pantry.
    If you provide a receipt for the items donated, we can issue you a charitable tax receipt!
  • Donation of funds to the Ranchlands Food Pantry
    These funds are used to re-stock the pantry if we are running low on specific items
  • Donation of funds to the RCA
    Funds can be used for a variety of expenses, from purchasing coffee or snacks for our Community Coffee program, getting craft supplies or prizes for an event like Halloween or Neighbor Day or even purchasing seeds for our edible forest project.We accept donations via our online square account, via e-transfer to the community association or cash in person. Any donations over $20 can have a charitable tax receipt issued upon request.You can even sign up for monthly donations via CanadaHelps!