Hello Soccer Enthusiasts,

The Ranchlands Community Association is pleased to announce that registration for the 2022 Outdoor League is now open. The RCA has partnered with Calgary Northside Soccer (CNS) to provide a fantastic grassroots program for players from all communities.


CNS has designed a new and innovative format that provides players with the opportunity to participate in the Calgary Minor Soccer Association (CMSA) league without sacrificing lifestyle while providing a flexible schedule for each family.  The grassroots program is ran by PASS staff. This program is structured towards lifestyle flexibility for those families who have other commitments and need a flexible schedule.  The players are taught skills for the first portion then are broken into teams to play a game.  The teams may be adjusted at any given day based on player participation; thereby, allowing lifestyle flexibility for the players and families.

The Spring program runs May 9 – June 30 and registration is open.  The Summer program runs July 12 – September 1 and registration opens ~June.  Due to software limitations, only one season can be opened at a time.  The cost for the Spring and Summer programs are the same.

Date, Time & Location(s) are shown on the Grassroots / Training Schedule.  Once registration opens, additional locations and/or times may become available and will be reflected on this schedule.  CNS has field permits for all the locations listed on the website and each community is a separate program.  If there are sufficient registrants, the community program will be added and posted on the Grassroots / Training Schedule.  When registering, please indicate field preference so additional locations and/or times can be updated in a timely manner and the Grassroots / Training Schedule displays accurate information.

Players born in 2015 and earlier may have the opportunity to play in a competitive Calgary Minor Soccer Association (CMSA) game(s).  CNS has designed and implemented a new and innovative format that provides eligible players the opportunity to participate in the CMSA league without sacrificing lifestyle while providing a flexible schedule for each family.  When other CNS teams are short players, the players in this program have an opportunity to be called up to play at a competitive game(s).

For more information about CSN, please visit www.northsidesoccer.ca or contact the RCA office.

See you on the pitch!